Bazzite Stuck on Verifying Installation after update

I'm trying to boot my steam deck gnome image and it seems to be permanently stuck on a Verifying Installation screen, after connecting a keyboard I can switch TTY use ctrl + alt + f4 but it asks for a login I don't have. I've tried bazzite as both user and password as well as root and neither seem to work Any troubleshooting tips?
26 Replies
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
the login is the user you made during installation if you didnt set one up its by default bazzite with the password bazzite
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
if this is a new install just let it verify it will take some time and it should just finish, if this is an old install its steam messing up
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
as of now the conclusion is that my device is bricked and I need to reinstall it's an old install with an unknown user password
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
well as i said there are only 2 posibilities with the user you made a username and password and you promptly forgot it or you didnt and its bazzite/bazzite
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
yeah, that's totally on me 'tis not, I tried that
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
connect a keyboard into the deck and boot into emergency mode ctrl+alt+delete from the tty to reboot
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
Booting to Rescue & Emergency Mode - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
once youre in emergency mode grep "1000:" /etc/passwd to find your user then passwd username to change the password once thats done reboot and boot normally
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
alright hmm, I'm having difficulty with getting the grub menu it's not showing
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
if it still hangs up try switch to tty and reboot normally and if it still does not work then switch to tty and run steamos-session-select plasma and you will be on the desktop, from there open the terminal and run ujust fix-reset-steam and it should reset steam and that might fix the issue press ESC when booting IIRC just repeatedly press it
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
it just brings up the bios instead of grub
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
if you get to the grub command line, type normal
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
oh finally, got to it
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
yeah you were a bit too quick πŸ˜› easiest would be go into boot menu and select bazzite/fedora and then press esc if this can save you from having to do a reinstall it would be worth it
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
booting into emergency mo- annnd it booted into steam again I'll try it again, one sec using a different parameter this time
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
should just be emergency unless your install is from like 2023 at which case youre cooked for sure
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
it is πŸ˜…
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
ah well then if neither emergency or rescue works then there isnt much we can do without risk breaking the install completely
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
I'm perfectly happy to reinstall completely, there's nothing on there that isn't backed up by steam cloud saves
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
well last resort would be init=/bin/bash to get into a root shell but it would potentially break selinux labels so super not recommended as emergency and rescue avoids that issue
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
the issue is uh, the image I got from the website last night is having the classic 2023 scaling problem but worse because even forcing the resolution through grub doesn't change the fact that I can't get input working
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
try choose safe graphics?
Briar Undermoon
Briar UndermoonOPβ€’2mo ago
will do πŸ‘ it appears my luck is really bad today, the install media is corrupted :/ honestly the frustration is getting to me a bit, I think I'll sit out on this for a day or two
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospoβ€’2mo ago
Without even steam breaking I would call this install bricked and just go ahead and reinstall Not knowing your password is a fatal mistake and any time spent trying to debug this would be wasted time

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