Is it bannable to use true stretched resolution
I have seen a lot of ytber playing Val with true stretched res and cool edit. I searched up on ytb and I found a way to set my res to become that fat ahh screen . The tutorial have accessed a game's file but just to change resolution number , not any hacks
Is that bannable ??
17 Replies
no, i don't think so
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
Learn more below:
Use WinXP or disabling monitors method
No form of stretchres is banned in casual play (including ranked) but its banned on LAN
Also depends what method u using to get the res
What is LAN
Tournements like VCT for example
Ah yes i wont
Im just iron 3
they you're good lol
I đont wanna use third party app
Then disable
Ur monitors
I tried
It has blackstripes
Ur not doing it right than lmao
not banable, theres 0 bans on record for using true stretched
idek if its possible nowadays i think it is but more complicated than before
no reason for it to be banable: enemies might appear bigger but theyre also moving faster on your screen also you limit your own FOV so if its a advantage i dont think so it just gives you a confidence boost which is indeed a advantage but yeah theres no reason for ts to be banable
Fat agents
Thank u