my monitor is broken right in the middle, its big enough to hide the crosshair.

the crack is big enough to hide the crosshair and a player from long range, now hiding the player isn't an issue because the map and I can just move around but the crosshair doesn't move, is there any other way to move the whole game a bit to the side other than using windowed mode? I dont' like windowed mode because I play on stretch resolution and I dont think that is possible on windowed (unless it is, if so please tell how)
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4 Replies
Metamorphosis2mo ago
Only option is to play in windows mode and move it a bit, or… replace the monitor.
No_UserNameOP2mo ago
yeah i plan on replaci ng the monitor soon but for now is there any other solution? no stretch reso tho :(
Metamorphosis2mo ago
_A2mo ago
surely being able to see ur crosshair makes losing stretch res worthwhile. :shrug:

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