Permission issues with account

When I login to the dashboard, I'm asked to select one of two accounts. Let's call them A and B. Account A has no registered domains, account B has one registered domain. Whenever I click on account B, I can manage that domain, but a bunch of dashboard pages show a 403 error, and I have much fewer options on the left side of the dashboard. Notably, there's no "Workers and Pages" tab, which I wanted to use. I can't seem to find any settings page that allows me to manage these accounts or their permissions, so am I doing something wrong?
9 Replies
AlphaKeksOP3mo ago
Possibly related: what I want to do is connect a GitHub repository to pages, and when I try to do that on account A, GitHub returns a very generic 500 error
Chaika3mo ago
Under Manage Account -> Members, permissions can be assigned/updated You have to be a Super Admin to edit permissions though
Cloudflare Docs
Manage account members · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
Granting access to others on your account is done with several sets of data principles:
AlphaKeksOP3mo ago
As far as I understand I have two different accounts, not one account with multiple members And going to the account settings of the account in question only lets me click a red button saying "leave" on account A I can see 1 member who is a super admin, and on account B the page is just empty, apart from a red button saying "leave"
Chaika3mo ago
As far as I understand I have two different accounts
You are in two accounts yea
and on account B the page is just empty, apart from a red button saying "leave"
You don't have access, which isn't surpising since you can't see other stuff. You'd have to get someone who is a superadmin in that account to expand your perms
AlphaKeksOP3mo ago
so you're saying I don't own that account? how?
Chaika3mo ago
You were invited to it and accepted the invitation with limited permissions, or you invited a superadmin who changed your permissions. It may be helpful to explain as well: When you first make your Cloudflare account, you get two objects created, your "user" and a default "account". You can then invite users to your account to manage it, including new superadmins. If you invite another superadmin to your default account they can even remove you from your default account, leaving you with just your user Your user entity is what you log into, and what can be in more then one account. It's a bit confusing since it's not exactly transparently shown, espec not if you just have one account.
AlphaKeksOP3mo ago
I feel really stupid right now, I was logged into the wrong cloudflare user 🤦‍♂️ I invited my other user as a member but without admin privileges, and didn't notice I was logged in as the wrong user
Chaika3mo ago
ahh ok makes sense, at least it was an easy fix. Hopefully my explanation at least helped you understand the system better lol
AlphaKeksOP3mo ago
yeah it did, I was a bit confused about users/accounts/members before and that "you were invited to it and accepted the invitation with limited permissions" bit gave me a clue as to what happened, so thank you!

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