23 Replies
This isn't something they can do here lol, this isnt an official server
Where is the offical server
I don't think there is one lol, and i doubt theyd add them, if they're making pz2 they'll probably save it to make it that games draw
Technically speaking we already have birds
Penguins, flamingoes, cranes, kiwi, swans, chickens, peafowl, ostriches, emus and cassowary are birds
Unknown User•4w ago
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Honestly if there was an official server all the messages would just be people begging for animals to get added
They want FLYING birds for some reason idk why
I can see it being cool but i can see it adding a whole new level of frustration unless they just have it as a walkthru exhibit
from experience working with them irl
fish are very frustrating
Oh god yeah
I keep fish
water conditions need to be just right for species specifics
It would be cool to add fish but i can see it being suuper complicated unless they just skimmed over water parameters altogether
salinity and temperature
Like in zt1 where it was basically just get a specialized caretaker and plop a filter on that bad boy and ya good
water flow
some fish like calmer conditions#
but some like fast flowing river like conditions
Tbf i doubt they'd go that in depth
Especially since if we did get fish it would probably be shit like sharks and bigger marine mammals
Which sucks cuz i would love to have a neat little set of tanks but oh well
honestly i see us getting more of the fish that are common in zoos, aquariums and safari parks
i could see us getting koi, red lionfish, regal tangs, yellow tangs, yellow moray eels, xingu river stingrays, asian arowana, clown featherbacks, giant gouramis, oscar cichlids and many more
Cephalopholis Sexmaculata (Six-Banded Rockcod)
mah favourite fish
I find the term fish is so broad
To the point its not an actual taxonomic class
Like birds, mammals, amphibians or reptiles
Theres atleast 6 classes that fall under the term "fish"
Ray finned fish (most well known fish)
Cartilaginous fish (sharks, stingrays and relatives)
I unfortunately don't think they are viable to be added to the game
Given idk the status on coelacanths and whether or not they are or can be kept in captivity
They are bad at oxygen absorption and are sensitive to decompression
Coelacanths thrive in deep sea conditions
Which are hard to replicate in a captive setting
They thrive in environments with low oxygen, little to no light and alot of water pressure
bird and fish will be very nice but maybe or maybe not for planet zoo 2
Thats what I've been saying