Thoughts on brogue wingtip
I'm curious if this PRL shoe makes sense for a suit as well as what other fits it'd make sense for. Doesn't matter much but also is it a derby or oxford? Also curious on any general opinions on the shoe.

6 Replies
I like it for a suit (although a purist would say it’s too casual). It’s a derby.
I prefer long wings to short wings but these are totally fine.
Thank you. Would you prefer a pair of split toes to these btw?
Pairing a brogue wingtip with a suit is a classic PRL and Americana look. Thom Browne loves to do it too.
Nah these are quite nice, but it’s personal preference
Exactly, a flannel or a tweed suit, maybe herringbone, will look great with those.
Thank you! I ordered them at the end of the holiday sale for $268 (they had 2 sizes left). They may be a half size too large but I can return them