PC Freezing
When I enable secure boot after loading valorant my pc starts freezing up but when secure boot is off my pc works fine any idea what the problem is?
20 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Also show a recording of the freezing if u can
And at what time it starts to freeze
It stars freezing like
I cant even make it out the tut

hmm I can try
When I get to soviet part of the tut
then valorant crashes
Soviet part?
Secure boot is off tho
Turn ur secure boot on
When its on
After like 1 min
my pc starts freezing
I need to see a recording of the freezing in game
Ping me when u r able to record it
Yo @jidat
You up?
I’m gonna load up Valorant rn
And take a video
Of the freezing
This freezing happens to my entire pc
Not just in Valorant
Then this pops up

Dm'd u a link
Hahaha noob stop afkinh
You slow
Solved in dms