Overlayed isn't showing up at all. Can't access settings or anything.
I'm running it on Windows (Windows 11 if that matters). I've authorized the app but I don't see anything when I right-click the taskbar icon and hit "Show Overlayed". I've tried all the other options too to see if I could at least see the settings but nothing comes up.
19 Replies
Hmmm are you able to open the devtools and see if there are any errors in main or settings
Nope. Can't even get the devtools to come up. I've tried reinstalling it and launching it as admin but neither of those two changed anything.
I'm not sure if uninstalling nukes the configuration dir but you could try that
It's in your appdir folder, mobile right now so hard to guide you fully
Alright I'll give that a try
So I've fully uninstalled it, restarted my computer, and then reinstalled it but I still get nothing. The only 2 things I can do via the taskbar icon is pin it and quit. None of the other options are doing anything for me.
yeah im having this same issue too now, got rid of the config directory in appdata but no change - should also mention ive done an uninstall and reinstall of overlayed
Do you see anything at all that's worth screenshotting?
nothing, the only thing i can access is the overlayed right click menu by clicking it in the system tray, it doesnt show up with an overlayed application, and none of the options in the tray menu like show settings, devtools, pin or show work except for quit
@GoldSoul windows 10 or 11?
Another question is does canary work?
:overlayed: Install the canary desktop app by visiting https://overlayed.dev/canary
Overlayed - Canary
Download the latest canary build
Win 11, same issue with canary unfortunately
I'm guessing something compatibility wise is borked ðŸ˜
yeah i have no clue what else to even try, uninstalled, revo uninstalled too, restarts etc, that being said great program man it was amazing while it worked for me 😆
One thing you could try uninstall and try this version
Release v0.5.0 · overlayeddev/overlayed
Show "Private call" on the title bar when in a group call @ajchili (#158)
Show on fullscreen workspaces for macOS @ahkohd (#149)
Fix the menubar/tray icons @Hacksore (#148)
PS t...
This was before tauri v2 migration
Could be useful to know if that's working or not
that one's not even opening in any capacity it seems, nothing in system tray and no process in task manager
Well it as worth a try 🤣
dont give yourself too much of a headache trying to figure it out, im chill just whenever you get time or if you have any ideas
brilliant what the hell do we blame windows for this- news. it's working again, i just opened canary and it's working
well thats good news, i wonder what the problem was though 😅
yep now even the regular non canary version is working
0 clue but glad to be using the app again 😆