I hate going 0/5 then 6/1??

I'm trying to be better in my games but no matter what I do I'm never consistent. I can get 5 kills one game then 0 the next. How can I fix this? It's a HUGE confidence ruiner :( plz help
41 Replies
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
(I went 0/5 one game and 2/3 the next, for an update/example)
zilβ€’3mo ago
the skill level of ur opponents change every game
gh0stlyAimβ€’3mo ago
be the water ahh
Matsuiβ€’3mo ago
Stop playing swiftplay, play ranked, notice your erros, fix them, try strategies, learn again with your mistakes and stop caring about numbers and please communicate within the game. As much as it is difficult for some people because of toxicity, the problem is with other people who chose to be bad.
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
Ok thx
beann1β€’3mo ago
I’d assume a lot of it is peeking hygiene. Peek with only a and d, peek one angle at a time, place your crosshair on the angle you’re peeking/preaim so you don’t have to move your mouse much and basically do as much of the work before you peek. I obviously can’t precisely give advice as I haven’t seen you play, but as far as inconsistency goes, crosshair placement and how you’re peeking is often very significant for consistency Also play more unrated and ranked (swifts have more inconsistent opponents and their economy is too simple so you barely get practice on any guns. Also, you won’t learn as much because you won’t get punished in swifts nearly as much, and there’s other aspects of the longer formats that you only get w/ unrated and comp) Tl;dr: work on crosshair placement and your peeking and you should get more frags. Play unrated/comp more
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
alrighty, ty for responding :) Why did I scream over going 0/4... I suck I should never play raze or clove again every time I do I either do great or SUCK It's so frustrating!!!! 😑😭 I'm never consistent all I do is swift bc I'm not good at ranked (I aced and went 13/6 next game never mind 😍)
beann1β€’3mo ago
maybe give unrated a shot, its ranked w/o the actual ranked system also wdym youre not good at ranked? is it a mental thing, an economy thing? another third thing?
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
Mental mostly 🫠
beann1β€’3mo ago
ahh right
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
I was like iron 3 So 😭 Anyway ima hop off to eat πŸ‘‹
beann1β€’3mo ago
im not too sure how to help with mental, i just sort of naturally dont get that tilted and the one time a month i get tilted i just explode and drop 0
!   ✧   Fr❄st   ツ
im pretty inconsistent to but without ranked sometimes i drop like 20 and then go down to 9-10 which i guess isnt that bad but im improving :D
beann1β€’3mo ago
improvement is honestly the best thing to see imo every time i set a goal for myself its never rank up, its always improve in a certain aspect of my gameplay way better thing to do imo
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
i went 0/5 bc im trying to learn kj. i suck at her i hate this! and i went 5/1 as her earlier??? what? how is that even possible?? its so unfair
beann1β€’3mo ago
how have you been playing her? like whats your playstyle been like
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
idk i used to play her for a month or two then stopped
beann1β€’3mo ago
(wait i didnt realise how recently you sent that)
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
the recap said based on my playstyle shed be a good fit or something lol
beann1β€’3mo ago
are you making setups preround or are you playing reactively? (on defense)
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
probably not preround 😭 afk hold up
beann1β€’3mo ago
like 99% of the time its better to set up your utility before the round starts
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
beann1β€’3mo ago
i typically try and either make a setup on each site beforehand, or at least whatever site i like playing on a map (for example on ascent i only really play b unless the enemy is constantly hitting a site) and when i dont i just try and figure something out at the start of the round
beann1β€’3mo ago
(for example, icebox b site setup. my setups change a little bit during the game just so the attackers cant figure it out so my nanoswarms especially change a bit placement wise, as well as my turret)
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strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
did u make this? if u did how lol oh i did yesterday, i played clove on icebox and went like 11/19 or smth - not too bad lol
beann1β€’3mo ago
its a website called valoplant
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
ok lemme check it out rq omg cool!! ty <3
beann1β€’3mo ago
np, enjoy also, i make a lot of setups in custom games, i just turn on cheats (pause match timer, infinite abilities and ghost to freely move around), load into a custom on whatever map and mess around. i prefer valoplant for if im making microadjustments or if im doing multiple setups at a time but for getting a broad idea i prefer custom games so i can visualise it better
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
alrighty! i was gonna do that later lol
beann1β€’3mo ago
oh cool
sipanβ€’3mo ago
0 5 and 6 1 is not much of a big difference, just a lucky game / bad game, enemies that heavily outskill you, teammates dont cooperate. can be anything. but if you cant constantly go positive KD then its just a skill issue also, nobody is trying in sp, thats why you got 6 kills that game maybe, which also isnt good on a side note
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
6 kills is good to me lol..
beann1β€’3mo ago
It’s not not good, especially to newer/lower rank players, it’s just about average
strwberryy πŸ“πŸ­
tyy oh side note on length of how long i've been playing- i started during ep 4/5 (2022?) and kinda quit then got back into it around ep 7/8
Boombotβ€’3mo ago
short term, practicing is good, but for long term changes you’ll have to just play a lot more i have the same issue here
Matsuiβ€’3mo ago
sorry but cant the attacking side simple smoke mid and be able to go tube and mid?
Matsuiβ€’3mo ago
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beann1β€’3mo ago
Yeah, I usually use the turret kitchen or on site, I was just looking at a couple new ideas. Plus I’m a low enough rank as to where I don’t even see viper consistently (And I doubt any controller in bronze has the decision making skills to put a smoke there on anyone but viper)
Matsuiβ€’2mo ago
viper is like must have in this map :stressedSmoking:
beann1β€’2mo ago
I am fully aware, but also kj fun

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