secure reboot error
i keep getting this error even tho i fixed everything in bios

Solution:Jump to solution
Solution:- change partition style to GPT, change bios mode to UEFI. Enable secure boot in the bios
77 Replies
When you fix it in bios did you press save and quit or just quit
save an quiot ive done it before on my pc this is my gfs but i changed it all right even did the windows 8 thing
even checked 2.0 was on the thing is her bios runs legacy i tried to change it to ufie and it legit wont boot up
ive done bios stuff before ik how to run it her is alot diffrent then mine but i nav thru it and found everthing
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

i tried to change it to uefi instead of legacy
Haven't had one of these in a while
it legit wont boot
Open disk management
Show ss
she runs windows 10 to
witch i havent touched in awhile myself
@Metamorphosis u wanna take this one so i can go sleep? :val_HelloBro:

Right click on disk 0
Show ss

Open cmd as admin and type this command
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Show result
Also don't close cmd
ss or

Ok good
Now type this and show result
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS

see but the ufie mode is legit bugged on her computer i tried to switch i can go back into bios again and attempt to switch it over again
Type this command
reagentc /disable
Show result
already disabled
reagentc /enable
Type that
wont let me
bcdboot C:\Windows /s C: /f UEFI
Type that and show result

Get in the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
I’m loaded into bios now
Show a photo of ur bios

Show photo
Btw what key did u press to get into the bios

Old style one
Show photo

It’s enabled

That’s the main screen
I went to where secure boot is
Where did u change it to UEFI last time

One of these
Might of been like cpu or something I forgot
CSM configuration
Show photo
But there was no other place to change it to
Yeah that one
I changed them to uefi

Changed it back to normal cause it wouldn’t boot
Want me to change now
Since we did cmd
Change CSM support to disabled
Okay done
Now go here
Then key management
Show photo

Restore factory keys
Pic ?
Save and exit the bios
And hopefully it boots into windows
Once in windows, press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
We shall see
I didn’t know u could turn that off
I don’t know her pc
Turn what off
It’s good

It still wouldn't have let u boot into windows anyway
Should be good now
Those commands were necessary to run to change the partition style to gpt
I did it for like a hour yesterday and gave up I was like yeah it’s cooked
Or it wouldn't boot in UEFI mode
Yeah I’m not good with cmd stuff
Well anyways
Have a good day/night
Thanks bro trying to load up game
Yeah sleep good
Solution:- change partition style to GPT, change bios mode to UEFI. Enable secure boot in the bios

@jidat so i think its her specs
Well now thats a different issue
Just update the bios
With a usb
Make sure u download the update for ur specific motherboard
Do you know where I can find that
Also damn, they finally tell u to update the bios and not just give an error with nothing
ik i have my pc if anything i dont play val as much so when i ship it ill let her use mine if it just dont work
idk why val did this make i complicated for ppl who dont know pcs
1 sec
It doesn't let me send biostar links smh
Dm'd u the link
wait jidat is a goat
honestly just make a youtube channel and posst these solutions