firewall on bazzite

Im having a frankly devil of a time finding out any information about it. What firewall is bazzite using as a default installation and is there any place I can find information about it's settings to ensure it is on, running, and good to go? Sorry if this is a dumb question... prodding and experimenting on an old laptop. Basically Im planning to jump my gaming, media center, and gaming laptop to Bazzite whenever Windows forces me to install 24H2 (and therefore recall software) so I am looking to learn before I begin. Thank you
3 Replies
wolfyreload3mo ago
Bazzite uses firewalld (I think) you can read more about it here If you on KDE there is an app called "firewall" for configuring it, not sure about gnome
Fedora Docs
Control of System Accessibility by firewalld
A firewall is a way to protect machines from any unwanted access from outside. In Fedora, it is installed by default during the installation of the operating system, enabled and…
MegabyteOP3mo ago
yep... didnt ever really like gnome (too Mac-like). But thank you. Ill read up on this when I get a chance. ok LOOKs like its on by default... Im guessing the exception ports are for updates. would have liked a way for the gui to say On or Off, but... I think Im satisfied with defaults thank you agsin
wolfyreload3mo ago
I think ticked = open and unticked is closed

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