we couldn't install a required dependency error
when i install the game it show me this, i tried many time to restart my pc etc but it dont worked, can somoene help me ?
2 Replies
@B0ZO heya!
try is this
- Open the Command prompt in administrator mode.
- type in "sc delete vgc".
- type in "sc delete vgk".
- restart your pc
- go to C:/ProgramFiles/ and delete the riot vanguard folder
- relaunch Valorant and it will say that you need to relaunch for Vanguard to install, relaunch again and it should be ok
credit: fly
if the command prompt says like
the service dont exist as an installed services just go to the next step
i dont have val
i just factory reset my pc so i dont have val
and i already did all of this