How to dual boot?
I'm not sure how to dual boot from linux to windows (I'm still new to linux), I tried looking up guides but it's for distros I don't have
25 Replies
Dual Boot Preliminary and Post-Installation Setup Guide - Bazzite D...
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
Ok thank u
@Kyle Gospo hey when I downloaded windows how do I chose a wine prefix
those are all just games, is there a specific program i need downloaded to make that work?
You should be downloading an ISO I think…?
you need to download an ISO
that will never work
yeah I thought I did
disk image iso x64
.exe != .iso
oh hey it's you again! if you're ever unsure of a step, feel free to ask here
the basic steps are
1. download a light linux ISO (like Mint or Fedora) to make room for windows
2. download a windows ISO
3. boot from the light linux ISO to downsize a partition (if you don't understand, you can ask)
4. boot from the windows ISO to install on the room you've made
What's a light linux iso
I was gonna just use the bazzite i'm currently on and I installed windows iso
trying to still figure out how to set that up though
every video i've watched has been pretty unhelpful, they're all booting from windows and i'm already on linux
I'm a little lost as to what to do, I've got multiple 32gb flash drives just in case
What exactly are you trying to do?
dual boot
windows 11 with bazzite
And you only have bazzite now?
The videos are unhelpful because our guide explicitly says to install Windows first
If you do it second it eats the bootloader and we're going to be here for the next month helping you figure it out
That would make sense
Why would it take so long?
Because you have to reconstruct your bootloader after Windows gets done destroying it
It's not worth even attempting to help you with this, I would reinstall
I see
Ok how would I reinstall?
Install Windows, have it take up half the drive, then manual partition bazzite to take up the other half
I don't have any files worthwhile keeping so I'm not worried about losing anything
Basically just follow our guides
I tried to follow the guide I don't know what i'm doing wrong
I can't boot to bios
Yeah... Setting up a windows bootable USB from Linux is not fun. Using FMW or Rufus without setting proper partitioning borks the USB and causes issues when installing.
If you have a windows device you can access somehow I would highly suggest using the windows media creation tool there to create the USB. It's a lot less of a headache.
that's what I did, I have a laptop that's accesible