Riots stupid ticket system
I was recently false banned for use of 3rd party software even though I’ve never done it and every time I try to submit a ticket it ends up getting “solved” by a bot after a couple of hours. anyone know a way to fix this?
30 Replies
if they close tickets and mark them as solved they denied your request, you stay banned
Do they just not look at it?
Cause it was a bot who replied to me
i believe they do the 3rd party ones manually and let the bot respond
i have the same problem
You have a virus that counts as a 3rd part aplication?
Not that I know of
you send ticket -> bot replys -> some time goes -> they look at it -> they close it without replying if the appeal was denied or they close with a reply if the ban was revoked
so your appeal got denied
:shocked: :shocked: :shocker: :wtf_shock: :shock:
Such a great game
No reason why
Just ban
“Trust me bro”
“We handle these matters with the upmost seriousness”
Omfg this company is so ass
Worst thing about this is that I’ve spent over 1000$ on this shitty game 😭
they have access to your computer, they know
something on there is picked up as cheats
I have literally never downloaded any hacks
Only thing REMOTELY close to that were some minecraft mods
i feel like its a virus then
Wait do pirated games count then?
yeah usually pirating software gets considered as malware
im willing to bet thats what got you banned honestly
you're banned and you will remain banned as your appeal was denied, you should be unbanned in about 4 months but your account is gone
bro i have this same problem and its happened to me multiple times.
after the first time i completely restarted my computer from scratch to fix the issue
but it just happened to me again and im so confused
you're hardware id banned, you need a whole ass new pc to fix it
the first time i was banned it was a hardware ban and they said i would get unbanned after 3 months
so after i received the hardware ban I restarted my whole computer and redownloaded windows
its a hardware ban bro u can update windows (the software) as many times as u want but that wont change the fact that ur physical pc is still the same
but the hardware ban only lasted 3 months
im getting my new accounts banned though
I just want to know whats on my computer that is getting detected so i can get rid of it
it lasts 4months
yeah it was 4 months but even then why am i getting banned even though i fully restarted my pc?
cuz you are hardware banned, it's your whole computer that's banned
if you want to be unbanned you need to buy a new computer or wait 4months
sorry i mustve explained it wrong. ive already waited the 4 months for the hardware ban and after it finished I fully restarted my computer. so i wasnt hardware banned + i restarted my pc so it wouldnt happen again. but i just recently got banned for 3rd party software. im thinking that it was a malware but im not sure how it wouldve got on my pc