Big scarf rec
Looking for a good big scarf recommendation
- Budget is <$400, but I would love to be able to spend like $150 on one. Open to both designer and non-designer options. Non designer smaller makers would be my preference but don't care so much. New or old is all the same to me
- primarily will look to wear it with the black lemaire wrap. Want big but not massive big
- ideally 100p wool, but okay with mohair or alpaca blends. I don't want acrylic and don't want a lot of shedding
- I want some sort of pattern. Less particular about the specific pattern, but I want something that isn't too traditional or too modern, and handmade would be a plus
- open to colors that would go well with black. I'm curious about camel to brownish sort of colors or even purplish colors.
Here are some random examples of a few that I like

7 Replies
I dunno if it will quite work but are old EG shawl/button scarfs worth a look? Lotta patterns out there and they definitely used to do pure wool and patterns.
Should be well under $150.
Has synthetics (no acrylic) and kinda out of the box but Dries has this on sale. I usually watch Dries for interesting scarves; they often hit more affordable prices on sale:

For saner reccs, @Zee and @carrion put me on Holzweiler
Aster Stripe - Purple - Holzweiler
We first started making our scarves in Florence a decade ago when we fell in love with a small factory and the traditional techniques used. This remains where our scarves are produced to this day. The Aster Stripe scarf is made from a brushed alpaca-blend and detailed with a striped print.

Tassel Scarf - Brown Check - Holzweiler
We first started making our scarves in Florence a decade ago when we fell in love with a small factory and the traditional techniques used. This remains where our scarves are produced to this day. One of the newest additions to our scarf family, the Tassel scarf is defined by its elongated tassels on both sides that are designed to drape along t...

Thank you both! These are all great recs.
I like EG but haven't thought of it for me for a long time but from a quick search a lot of the scarves are definitely up my alley
I had been looking at some dries ones as well but some skew more contemporary than I was looking for, but the one you linked is really nice. I'll look at some of the others from dries too.
Holzweiler is a great rec as well! These were not on my radar but at first glance look like exactly what I'm looking for