The version of vanguard requires secure boot to be enable in order to play
I have stuck in this problem for a long time...I go YouTube to find the solution but it seems fake,anyone help me pls

43 Replies
Press windows key + r
Type in msinfo32
Slide ss
It says off

Bios mode is UEFI
Secure boot secure is off
Restart your pc and spam the F2 key
Use discord on your phone
option 1 : roll back to windows 10
option 2: make your whole storage into gpt
What is gpt
well when you have uefi mode.. your storage needs to be in gpt mode ( not mbr) to enable secure boot
if you dont have it you wont be able to do secure boot..
What a GPT disk is. The GUID Partition Table (GPT) was introduced as part of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) initiative. GPT provides a more flexible mechanism for partitioning disks than the older Master Boot Record (MBR) partitioning scheme that was common to PCs. - google
well it has to be done from windows setup
and your data will be lost .. sooo you need to back it up first
you need tpm 2.0 and secure boot
to play valorant in win 11
Still got other options?
I see people change some settings in mode
windows 10 has no problem with these
i have no idea.. i had same problem so i just fixed those out
They are changing settings in bios
Will it works anyway?
After that?
Take pic with phone and send
oh yes there is a option like csm support disable - turn on secure boot .. but still needs gpt there.. as ik. metamorphosis will lead your way.

Press F7

Boot tab
Wait a second my internet have a little bit poor

Go to security tab

Do you have an option to scroll down?

Click on it
The last option
Secure boot settings one?
@Love_AwA :ChillBar_pray:
It can't be click
What does it say
It only can be scroll down
I think that's the info of the option
The while line here^ click on that
Or press enter on your keyboard

Now click on disabled and turn it on
Show pic to make sure
bro cooked. congrats

Now click on save and exit tab
Then save and exit
And then try to launch the game
It can be launch now tysm