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The benzene part is aromatic, the cyclohexane part is non-aromatic
So the compound as a whole has some aromaticity
oh i didnt know that was possible
will the largest conjugated ring logic work here?
I'm assuming it is since the cyclohexane part doesn't "do" anything to the benzene part
Like doesn't disrupt its resonance or anything like that
what do you mean?
Our teacher told the same thing
Aromatic + Non-Aromatic gives aromatic compound
Aromatic + Anti-Aromatic gives anti-aromatic compound
Anti-Aromatic + Non-Aromatic gives anti-aromatic compound
really? interesting
I would've thought it'd still be aromatic
since aromatic is 4n+2 pi electrons
antiaromatic is 4n pi electrons
if both are in conjugation you still get 4n+2 pi electrons
maybe it loses planarity or something
so with that logic this should be anti aromatic

a method i was taught to check aromaticity of structure like annulene
I think so yea
Depends on how they're connected
Wrong message reply. I meant to reply to the next one.
yeah makes sense
thanks guys
its aromatic
bruh this is bs
dont memorise oc
use fused ring rule
don't memorise such bs

Is this aromatic?
I'm pretty sure it is.
The continuous conjugation condition always throws me off though
*Anti if I remember right
-C=O bond is very polar so without breaking also there is effective + on carbon ig.
ig antiaromatic
anti aromatichm hoga
quasi aromatic compounds type
Yeah sort of.
What's that
Aromatic compounds that are formed by ionisation of a polar bond

Is this related to the original question?
Answer would be (B) due to Beyer strain theory (angle strain)
no im sorry i forgot to mention
stability order of rxn intermediate
thanks a lot
also i got the og question ka answer confirmed
u guys are correct
but no need to learn all this
just know that aro is more stable


Wait...The third one should be non-aromatic right? Because one portion of that is anti-aromatic rings also?
Chemistry Stack Exchange
Is a compound aromatic if it also has anti-aromatic rings?
Is 5,6,11,12-tetradehydrodibenzo[a,e][8]annulene aromatic?
If I use Hückel's rule for the whole molecule, I get the answer as anti-aromatic. But the compound has two benzene rings which are indivi...
but i asked a teacher and she said ki it will be considered aro because aromatic structures are morw stable therefore more dominating
How is it more stable exactly
arey aromatic are obviously more stable than anti aromatic
look up what aromatic and anti aro means
No I mean, why is the stability overpowering the unstability of anti aro
well im not sure about that but
i was just told that a compound always wants to be stable so if the compound has an aro structure it will be stable
i know this isnt exactly the answer
but i think what ure looking for is not in syllabus for jee
Alright thanks
+solved @cauchyschwartz
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