Unable to install flatpaks
Whenever I try to install a package through Flatpak, I get this error: opendir(refs/remotes): No such file or directory. This happens in the discovery store, through the flatpak cli. Running flatpak with sudo works fine. I have tried using flatpak repair -u, as well as removing ~/.local/share/flatpak. I only installed bazzite a few days ago and I was able to install packages with no issues for the first two days.
Solution:Jump to solution
not really sure how, but it's working now after a reboot. Haven't done anything besides what I mentioned in the first message, but I guess one of those plus a restart fixed it.
3 Replies
If you run
flatpak remotes -d
it will probably just give you this
That means that no flatpak remotes are configured. Try run flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
then see if you can install software again.when i run that i get this:
the system flathub remote was there before, i've been able to install packages using sudo
not really sure how, but it's working now after a reboot. Haven't done anything besides what I mentioned in the first message, but I guess one of those plus a restart fixed it.