when ever i open the game it eithier the screen stays black or i get frozen on a start up screen
24 Replies
great now i can get in the game but it freezes on turtiol
Open task manager > performance and show ss
Do you have the amd software installed ?
the what i got this pc 3 days ago
Download this
ok i download and open it what now
Install all the drivers it shows
ok i download it is that it?
Open the app and show ss
it just stays like this
Open the amd app and show ss
Press next
Next page click install again
@pdiddy is it done
2 mintues
its done
Now restart pc
And then launch the game
@pdiddy did it work :ChillBar_pray:
now it just freezes when the turtiosl starts
and now its doing this again
@pdiddy did you install the amd driver properly?
Open amd app and show ss