mfad3mo ago

Complimentary outfit advice

Hi all! My wife will be wearing this dress to an event with a dress code of "winter wonderland, white and lighter blue colors). I don't currently have a ton of lighter color clothing options so would love any advice on what you might wear to pair well with her while staying within dress code. There is no guidelines around how fancy, we are assuming most people won't be crazy fancy, but we like to dress up. Any help or thought greatly appreciated!! Thanks.
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4 Replies
adaptation3mo ago
you dont have to go too crazy with the matching if you just match a small detail in your outfit to her dress or something along those lines that would be enough to be cute and look coodinated you dont need to go all out
Shrimp3mo ago
agreed with adapt. + Matching looks like prom, but wearing something complimentary is always nice its hard to give advice on what specifically to wear without knowing your whole wardrobe btw
HeyFriendOP3mo ago
Thanks guys! I think where I am struggling is what to wear in general I guess with the lighter color theme, while still being complimentary. I have some nice suits and tuxs that I think would go well but not in lighter colors. Do you find it's okay to go against theme if a part of the outfit maybe fits the request. E.g a dark suit with a tie that matches the theme. And yeah totally get it's hard without knowing my wardrobe, but I'm happy to buy something new if there is a direction people think would fit!. Thanks
Shrimp3mo ago
I don't think people can even recommend you what to buy without knowing how you otherwise dress! It'd be silly to buy something that you'd wear once or doesn't fit with how you dress or what you like I think a navy suit could look great might also help to know what part of the world you are in and whether this party is indoors or outdoors

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