bazzite desktop btrfs issue
i have a 4tb sata ssd formatted in btrfs. It is only 20% filled.
I have downloaded a large rar file, split into many small parts and now i want to extract it, but i get an error "No space left on device". It seems that in such case btrfs cannot determine how much space it needs to allocate.
Is there anything i could to to make it work?
6 Replies
It sounds a little like you might have accidently downloaded a zip bomb
Zip bomb
In computing, a zip bomb, also known as a decompression bomb or zip of death (ZOD), is a malicious archive file designed to crash or render useless the program or system reading it. The older the system or program, the less likely it is that the zip bomb will be detected. It is often employed to disable antivirus software, in order to create an...
nope, i am pretty sure the files i downloaded are legit
If you run
in the terminal does it also show that the drive is only 20% full? You might have previously deleted files and it's not measuring them or something weird in the os shows disk being 20% filled
btrfs filesystem usage /path shows the same - it tells me that there is a 2+TB of unallocated space (which, if i understand correctly, should be allocated once i start extracting the archives)
i can write to disk and space gets allocated (i tried downloading 15gb archive and extracting it - all went fine)
i also extracted archive of 140 gb (single file) eariler today with no issue
only this king of archive (100gb archive split into 100 1gb files) fails to be extracted
tried extracting with 7z (p7zip) but it seems that fedora's package does not support rar files..
now i am doing
unrar x ...
this seems to work fine
so i guess it is a bug with ark - when i right click file and do extract here...That would make sense. If you try and extract it via Arc it's probably copying the files to /tmp first then trying to transfering them over. By running the unrar x option via terminal it doesn't do that.
Well glad that it wasn't a zip bomb 😅 . Looks like you solved your own question.
i mean not really... i'd prefer ark worked on such files. If its some temporary folder issue, i want to fix it
i have suffiient free space