All 4 teammates afk
I queued a comp match and all 4 of my teammates were afk what happened?
16 Replies
Was there any surrender vote during that match?
there was multiple times
all 3 of them
Yeah there’s that, clove is going 16/0, your teammates basically gave up 😭
so who won
obvious xd but those 3 where afk beginning of game
jett wasnt but then quit
sova kept sayig like ez boost
this hasnt been the first time as well
how much rr did you lose?
i just played like fricking defense the spawn with wall and sound sensors and got like 21 kills minus 13 rr
Looks like a bot account to me
Tho their overall stats are good
dang i see
The reyna brim and neon 3 stacked in all of these matches
Maximum of 2 kills each
is this for like boosting for the enemy team?
or just ruining peoples game?
More like deranking their own accs
i mean like some1 from the enemy team might have accs to insta queue and meet eachother so they get like a free win?
probably just deranking their own accounts for smurfing or sell