Drive not mounting?
Incredibly strange set of circumstances. I mounted my 12TB HDD a week ago, per the help of some very nice people in this server. Its intent is to be a games hard drive. I have slow internet, so I like to pre-download games in case I want to play them.
A couple days ago, I downloaded about 150 games, 1.2TB worth. I went to sleep. All is well. Woke up and turned my computer on - it asks for permission to mount again. I check partition manager - my drive isn't listed. Not available for mounting.
I check dolphin - HDD isn't listed under Devices, but I am able to explore its file contents. It does have files in it, SteamLibrary/steamapps/common etc. It only has 31 game folders out of 150. Moreover, when I click into each folder, there are no game files there. I go back to Steam, and none of the games are available to launch. Nothing changes after a restart.
I start redownloading everything, thinking it just needs to reverify some of the game files that are present on my HDD. Sure enough, a lot of games just need to be verified. I get to DOOM, which doesn't have any files, and start downloading. After 70% of the download is finished, I check back to dolphin. There are still no files. I right click the game > properties > installed files. It's located at /var. I click browse. It leads me to the actual location of the drive, /var/mnt/.../DOOM. Folder is empty, yet the game is still downloading. The plot just keeps thickening.
Doom is STILL downloading as of now. I have no clue where it's downloading to.
I'll boot into UEFI and see if the drive is detected there.
Unrelated, does anyone know if I can add an "up one directory" button to dolphin?
Solution:Jump to solution
lastly rightclick on the toolbar for dolphin and configure the toolbar and add the UP tool and move it where you want it
5 Replies
that folder is empty until doom is 100% downloaded
as the files will be in a different folder until fully downloaded
first thing verify if the disk is mounted with the
mount | grep huh12tb
if it is not then they might have been downloaded to the folder while the disk has not been mounted
if it is mounted then check the files of a game that is downloaded.
games that are not 100% downloaded will have tmp files in a downloading
folder in the steamlibrary and they will not match whats being downloaded because they are compressedSolution
lastly rightclick on the toolbar for dolphin and configure the toolbar and add the UP tool and move it where you want it
Turns out it was a sata connection issue lol. It took a few restarts and cable wiggling. Sorry! Thank you though.
Not sure if I should mark this as a solution since it technically is?...but to my second off topic question
either works lol
or just mark yourself as the solution 😄
I'm the problem, believe me.