Under Attack Mode
Can I enable the under-attack mode for a specific subdomain, not the whole domain?
31 Replies
because I have two pages one for the main website and the other one to store images (something like CDN) but when I enable the under-attack mode it rejects access to the CDN website
No. You can enable challenges on subdomains through WAF
What is WAF please
Im new
Cloudflare Docs
Overview · Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) docs
The Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides automatic protection from vulnerabilities and the flexibility to create custom rules.
And creating rule: https://developers.cloudflare.com/waf/custom-rules/create-dashboard/
Cloudflare Docs
Create a custom rule in the dashboard · Cloudflare Web Application ...
When you select the Block action in a rule you can optionally define a custom response.
But can I enable the challenges for two domains like: example.com and www.example.com or just for subdomains?
thanks man
For whatever you configure
i'll try
use hostname correct?
what about Operator?
same as it?
whatever fits best, if you want to match a specific you'll want equals e.g.
hostname equals example.com
I want a challenge like this one
use this
i'd recommend managed challenge but yeah, you can use js challenge too
you're awesome!
after hitting deploy just like that I finished?
I have a problem
my status page get this problem everytime try to check the website status
Well it's being challenged
and it isn't human so it won't pass meaning it'll see a 403 rather than 200
If you want to exempt the status page you'll need to tweak your waf rule to ignore it
like using Managed Challenge correct?
no, in your matching rule you'll need to exclude it
based on like header, ip, etc.
where is it?