Nvidia Addition - SuperGFX

When I installed Bazzite a few days ago and followed the "Bazzite Portal"-steps and was shown if I wanted to install "SuperGFX" i clicked yes and only just now I realized that it's really only useful for laptops(?) I'm on desktop with 1 GPU. Will this hurt my performance in any way or can I just leave it be? It's set to "Hybrid" and if it does impact my system in some negative way, is there a way to uninstall it?
3 Replies
bobbybowser•3mo ago
You can disable the supergfxd service. This is what I did.
WhyAreLessOP•3mo ago
Good shout, i'll give that a go. Thank you 🙂
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•3mo ago
Good feedback, I will adjust the title to mention laptops

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