[pages] https mode with local workers https upstream

anyone successfully enable wrangler pages dev in https mode? with binding to a local durable object that https enabled too I'm using this in pages
# command
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=./certs/ca.crt wrangler pages dev --https-cert-path ./certs/server.crt --https-key-path ./certs/server.key

# wrangle.toml
ip = ""
port = 443
local_protocol = "https"
# command
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=./certs/ca.crt wrangler pages dev --https-cert-path ./certs/server.crt --https-key-path ./certs/server.key

# wrangle.toml
ip = ""
port = 443
local_protocol = "https"
using this in DO worker
# command
wrangler dev --config ./wrangler.worker.do-websocket.preview.toml --https-cert-path ./certs/server.crt --https-key-path ./certs/server.key

# wrangle.toml
ip = ""
port = 8443
local_protocol = "https"
# command
wrangler dev --config ./wrangler.worker.do-websocket.preview.toml --https-cert-path ./certs/server.crt --https-key-path ./certs/server.key

# wrangle.toml
ip = ""
port = 8443
local_protocol = "https"
already following https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/issues/1908 https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/functions/local-development/ https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/wrangler/commands/#dev-1 error below:
process.nextTick(() => { throw err; });
Error: Cannot proxy to `wrangler dev` session for class "DOWebsocket" because it uses HTTPS. Please remove the `--local-protocol`/`dev.local_protocol` option.

Node.js v22.12.0
process.nextTick(() => { throw err; });
Error: Cannot proxy to `wrangler dev` session for class "DOWebsocket" because it uses HTTPS. Please remove the `--local-protocol`/`dev.local_protocol` option.

Node.js v22.12.0
annyone can point me how to work on local with https?
1 Reply
KholisOP3mo ago
seem stuck for this I need to have https in my local since the OAuth callback didn't accept http

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