RunPod3mo ago

Pod keeps on restarting when using docker_args

Hi, I am launching a pod using create_pod api. I am providing some bash commands in docker_args. However once those commands' execution completes, it restarts and executes all the commands again. Note that there are no errors. resp = runpod.create_pod(name="generated from script", image_name="runpod/pytorch:2.4.0-py3.11-cuda12.4.1-devel-ubuntu22.04", gpu_type_id=args.gpu_type, gpu_count=args.gpu_count, start_ssh=True, volume_in_gb=20,container_disk_in_gb=50, env={"GITHUB_REPO": GITHUB_REPO_URL, "S3_ACCESS_KEY": S3_ACCESS_KEY, "S3_SECRET_KEY": S3_SECRET_KEY}, docker_args=( "/bin/bash -c 'apt update && rm -rf DistillFlow && " "git clone <repo_url> && " "cd df && apt install -y python3.12-dev && pip install flash-attn &&" "pip install poetry && poetry lock --no-update && poetry install && exit'")
1 Reply
nerdylive3mo ago
Maybe dont put exit in the last command, just put long running program or sleep infinity

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