nvidia 1080 ti not recocnised
hi, finally managed to install bazzite on an older machine but now the gpu is not detected. any idea what i might try to get it working? thanks in advance ^__^
7 Replies
oh, just saw that bazzite-open is for newer gpus and bazzite-stable or something is for older, 10xx series. i'll redownload that and try it.
you can just rebase @ellen_bogen
no way, i can?! that's amazing. where can i find out the command to use?
in terminal
so the command should be brh rebase bazzite-nvidia
or brh rebase bazzite-gnome-nvidia
depend on your current dethat's the rebase-helper, right?
amazing, i'll try that, thanks a lot
Turns out the computer was really broken, faulty SSD killed the OS twice and computer only booted 1/20 tries when powered off, so I can't really tell if rebasing would have worked +___+