Crosshair Placement
Chat can I have some advice, the main thing holding me back rn is my crosshair placement, because I aim it just barely below their heads (literally move my mouse like 1 or 2 mm on my mouse pad). If any of you guys have had similar problems or know a fix, can u pls lmk. Any and all advice is welcome
Tldr; crosshair placement slightly too low
68 Replies
go to range, dm aimlabs or aim trainers
imo aimlabs or aim trainers arent really needed, thats what DM (and range) is for
in DM you have all the maps in and out of rotation, so all the angles that an enemy could possibly be in, perfect for training cross placement. if you specifically want to aim cross placement, go queue some DMs and just dont shoot, only focus on placing your crosshair. if that works well enough, start shooting
I would personally just play Aimlabs, and Team Deathmatch without ablities.
What I personally use to warm-up daily for crosshair placement:
• Linetrace (Ultimate)
• Spidershot (Ultimate)
• Microshot (Precision)
• Valorant Ascent Headshot (Standard)
• Motiontrack (Ultimate)
• Spidershot (Speed)
• Spidershot (Precision)
• VCT Leer Shot
oh alr
do i just search them on aimlabs?
@TSM Martis
also tysm for taking the time out of ur day to help me
I rly appreciate it
I personally do it twice a day
When I get on and when I am about it get off
ok 1 last thing @TSM Martis do you do them all only 1 time each to warm up, or multiple times
1 time would make you feel off, it’s best if you did them at least 2-3 times per task :ChillBar_pray:
would you mind helping me add them to a playlist?
cuz when im looking them up theyre not showing up in the add to playlist thing, but when i look them up normally
they do show up
I never added to playlist so I wouldn’t know.
I just add them to favorite and play from there
ohhhhh alr
how do you add them to favoraite?
Search the task name click on it, on the top left you’ll see a little heart shape click on that
if i click the task
it takes me stragiht into the training
also sry i keep pinging u
It’s all good don’t worry
You can also find it after you finish the task
Where it says play next task or replays and shows you score
is ther ea way
to see my favorites?
On the home page
On the left side there is a favorite tab
i dont see anything like that

Click play
ohhhi found it
aight ty
wait 1 more hting
could you send me a ss or explain to me again how to add a task to favorites
without having to complete it
wait nvm
i figured it out
I’m not near my pc rn
go to customs and playlist then make ur own playlist
You need to play at least 2/3 times to get used to that task imo
Personally would try deathmatch for the rest
Hey guys I have been trying to play valorant but for some weird reason it doesnt want to open when I click on the play button in the riot client it just kicks me to the desktop and it doesnt load I have tried everything but still nothing has changed anyone knows the solution?
Perfect place to put this in btw @Martis will help u
oh perfect then
this is what happens
Is it giving any error codes?
Is riots vanguard installed?
Everything is installed
This started after I alt f4ed my game
I play it once or twice a day
Try using riot repair tool
I literally tried everything
I deleted every folder that riot games has n Valorant
I reinstalled multiple times
my best guess is its either having some weird interaction with some software (for example msi afterburner, but youve probably already tried closing everything before launching valorant, but if u havent then do that), theres some weird hardware/peripheral thing going on (try unplugging everything from your computer except your mouse and monitor and obv the power cable, and then launch)
sometimes power flushing your pc helps. To do that, shut down your computer through the windows menu, unplug everything from yuour computer, turn the power switch off, unplug the power supply, then hold down your power button for around 30 seconds. Then wait like 10 minutes. Plug in your power supply, turn on the power switch, plug everything else back in, and see if that helps
for a lot of these weird issues a power flush helps
wait @TSM Martis for line trace, is the goal to flick as fast as possible, or is it better to stay within the line even if I move slower
Stay within the line and shoot for accuracy
and speed will come naturally
im also assuming I should be as accurate as possible for all the rest of them?
as in, accuracy > speed most of the time
i mean thats what im trying to do, and even my worst one i still have like 75 acc
bruhhh i used to get like 28 - 30 for medium in range, but now im getting ~20
not because of the aim training or anything, just in general
holy fuck i juist lowered my sens from 800 dpi 0.7 to 800 dpi 0.4 and now im doing so much better tf
my aim feels so much more controlled
wtf i just got 14 on hard 💀
☠️☠️ crosshair placement ☠️☠️
I can’t even get 5 on hard
if you want i can coach you sometime but up to you.
yoooooo rly?
id appreciate that a lot
if u have time tmr, Im free most of the day
I am busy tmrw
but I am free tonight.
I'm going to my friends for Christmas, so I won't be back until like 11 pm or 12 am ish
Evening as well?
I proably able to do around 7 or 8pm CST
Ye ill be free then
We can play together right?
Even tho ur na central and I'm na west
idk if I have an account in your elo...
Mm I c
I mean like for coaching
I'm bronze 1 rn btw but I top frag most my ranked games
coach tell me how much potential do i have compared to the rest of your customers (on a good day)
And if I give useful coms
use ur teammates head as a guide otherwise theres some markings on the maps which indicate head level
for example on B link pearl the line where the orange colour starts is head level

I bet dms and custom games help w dat
You can use the highlighted area on a crate as a reference.

Mhm yeah makes sense
I heard about that too that like a buncha things on the map have that
If you want I can coach ya now
ok i jusst got home
i was out with friends
@TSM Martis
if youre still available id be dowbn
i am still able too
should we call on dc or val