Dns help

Hello I am very new and need help. I registered a domain and cannot find the ipv4 to add dns records. I am not a coder or developer so please speak in layman's terms
13 Replies
Tim Anthony
Tim Anthony3mo ago
Hey there, what IPv4 addresses are you talking about exactly? You want to create "A" dns records that point to a server?
guyaglassOP3mo ago
Yes exactly When I try to add a dns record it asks for the ipv4 for the target But I don't know where to find that inform5 I try to look up my domains ipv4 but cannot find it
Tim Anthony
Tim Anthony3mo ago
What's the dns record for? You would need to point it to a server that hosts whatever you want to be reached from your domain such as a web or gameserver or a general VPS
guyaglassOP3mo ago
It's for my domain guyaglass.com
Tim Anthony
Tim Anthony3mo ago
Yes but your domain has to „connect“ to something. You can‘t just create a record from your domain to your domain, it makes no sense. What should your dns record point to?
guyaglassOP3mo ago
A website for guyaglass.com I'm not very familiar with the correct terminology but i purchased a domain through cloudflare and am unsure how to proceed with setting up a website with Mt domain
Tim Anthony
Tim Anthony3mo ago
You probably have (to buy or already have) a webserver or hosting for the website at some provider right? If you don‘t you should focus on that. That webserver will host the actual content and the domain will have a A (or cname) record pointing to that webserver. Then you will be able to have a working website.
guyaglassOP3mo ago
Ahh I see, how do I go about this? I thought buying the domain was enough, I'm very new to this
Walshy3mo ago
You'll need to find a host, you can use Cloudflare with Pages or Workers Assets or an alternative host. When you have a host, they'll give you a way to connect the domain or an IP to set
guyaglassOP3mo ago
Ok thanks How do I set up a host with cloudflare?
It's Always DNS
It's Always DNS3mo ago
It sounds like you're a beginner so I assume Cloudflare's hosting solutions might be a little complex for your use case. You can take a look at Cloudflare Pages here If you don't understand any of that, you may want to sign up with a consumer focussed provider like Squarespace, as those platforms give you the ability to build a website using a GUI, which I suspect is what you're looking for. If you do that, they'll also give you instructions on how to connect your Cloudflare purchased domain with their platform so you can tie everything together.
guyaglassOP3mo ago
Ok perfect thanks, yes I think cloudflare may be a bit advanced for me Is there a better option than squarespace? Unless I'm incorrect, their hosting fees can be quite high
heze3mo ago
Squarespace does a ton of work for you so you don't need to, but if you can and want, there are unlimited amount of e.g. Wordpress hosting solutions that might be cheaper per month from the hosting billing perspective but if you give any value to your own time, Squarespace can be pretty cheap pretty quick.

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