mfad3mo ago

piece IDs

would love to know what he’s wearing
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15 Replies
Soup3mo ago
Soup3mo ago
The belt is a western belt also but I'm not sure on which one, this is something similar to give you an idea https://www.olderbest.com/collections/belts/products/arabesque-carved-belt-black
Arabesque Carved Belt - Black
The belt is made from Italian leather, 4.0mm thick, with a silver-plated brass buckle and brass rivets. It's handcrafted, featuring a tooled arabesque design. Initially stiff, it softens with wear, fitting various styles.
mushroomOP3mo ago
okay so a shirt that’s tucked and a turtleneck underneath anything i should be looking for in a good quality shirt and good quality pants …and also a good quality turtleneck?
Soup3mo ago
Honestly it really depends on the budget but you can probably get a decent turtleneck like that for layering from Uniqlo. The main thing would be that if you plan to layer it under a shirt that it isn't a big thick turtleneck jumper I have the same Levi's shirt linked about in blue and it's a good shirt, I also have more expensive shirts and the main different is in the material used and attenting in the stitching of the shirts. This is really where it's down to how much you are willing to spend on a single item. I also have shirts that cost considerably less than the Levi's one because I bought them secondhand The pants I can't really say what his pants are from the image, they look like they might be a pair with a pleat in the front but just a guess really
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Keep an eye on insta accounts linked here as there's a good chance someone will tag the brands in a post: https://www.instagram.com/p/DD6cu4Xh1hS/
#마리끌레르 #유니세프  페이커(@faker)와 함께한 디지털 커버를 공개합니다. 페이커와 함께한 화보 전체, 인터뷰 전문은 마리끌레르 1월호에서 만나볼 수 있습니다. Editor 유선애(@seonae_yu) Photographer 목정욱(@mokjungwook) Styling 박태일(@taeilpark) HAIR 이혜영(@halolee7) MAKEUP 이영(@leeyoung220) SIGN LANGUAGE ADVICE 유슬기 @unicef_kr  #유니세프 #유니세프팀 #유니세프팀팔찌 #유니세프팔찌 #기부팔찌 #후원팔찌  #UNICEF #ForEveryChild #페이커 #이상혁 #대상혁 #Faker
mushroomOP3mo ago
didn’t get lucky unfortunately
mushroomOP3mo ago
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mushroomOP3mo ago
there are also these i like his tops in both the turtleneck is the same for the second one i think but the buttoned garment over it seems different what is that?
Soup3mo ago
The first image (colour one) appears to be a Ralph Lauren clothing, I'm not sure of indiviual items but you may be able to find them by looking at that brand I can't really make anything out in the black and white image as the resolution is too low
thomas3mo ago
He's actually so handsome it's unreal It looks like he's wearing a black knit turtleneck with a black snap denim western shirt layered over it, both tucked into a pair of black jeans with a western belt. I zoomed in on this one. He's wearing a white button down and patterned tie with a navy cardigan over it. Over that he's wearing a flannel shirt jacket.
thomas3mo ago
Wythe New York
Oxford Cloth Button Down - Classic White
The first product from Wythe. These oxfords were inspired by vintage American oxfords from the 1960's worn by every leading man from Miles Davis to Paul Newman. We kept the original generous button down collar that is unlined for an expressive roll that looks just as great button or left unbuttoned and left to fly. Thi
thomas3mo ago
Merino Cardigan | V-Neck | UNIQLO US
Shop men's Merino Cardigan | V-Neck at UNIQLO US. Read customer reviews, explore styling ideas, and more.
thomas3mo ago
Men's Fleece-Lined Flannel Shirt, Traditional Fit | Casual Button-D...
Find the best Men's Fleece-Lined Flannel Shirt, Traditional Fit at L.L.Bean. Our high quality Men's Shirts are thoughtfully designed and built to last season after season.
thomas3mo ago
Any patterned tie will do. Also you can look around for a shirt jacket with similar covers, that's just a random example.
mushroomOP3mo ago
hmm i’ve tried shirt jackets before and they end up looking weird on me. i think i’m over sizing them too much and wearing them with light colored jeans, which is kinda leaning towards a casual bar-going look i think i’m gonna try what he did with a shirt tie and sweatshirt and a shirt jacket on top of that with a nice pair of pants it’s just hard to make all those layers actually feel good when you live in LA haha

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