Issue with wifi networks

Hey has anyone encountered an issue where after they initially connect to their network and after a few minutes it drops and refuses to connect, but if I try my Hotspot it works just fine and doesn't drop. I'm running the latest version of bazzite on my lenovo legion go. I also tried to just reset my connections and just remove my known networks and start over, but I can't swim to remove them to read them. I'm only able to edit those existing network connections. Also if I reboot it, it will connect to wifi normally, but then start disconnecting and deactivating that connection.
5 Replies
darkness22723mo ago
I installed bazzite on my ally x , not dual boot full partition on 2 terabyte ssd . Unfortunately runs great but having same issues with my WiFi and prior to bazzite was running WiFi in same network . Don’t know but having your same issues. I’ll reboot it fixes it for a few then I run for example overwatch , Diablo , marvels etc it will just drop the connection and WiFi is disconnected .
musiccrazy 420
musiccrazy 420OP3mo ago
That's so odd, I tried to redo the internet connection and so far it's working a little better but it still disconnects, I'm wondering if it's honestly my internet service, it could be not giving them correct ip addresses or something, it's a 5g cellular service. I've had fiber in the past, just would have to get that reconnected to my home
darkness22723mo ago
Unfortunately I’m looking into the posts and seems that a lot of users are having similar issues . Seems a bug in bazzite os and the WiFi in the ally , legion go , etc . Unfortunately it doesn’t seem it’s your WiFi connection because I have 2 gig WiFi and everything at home works fine . We will have to wait and see if their is an update in the near future or if any other user has a solution for us
darkness22723mo ago
A Steam Deck that won't connect to Wi-Fi is frustrating, here's how...
Having Wi-Fi woes with your Steam Deck? Get back online with some simple troubleshooting steps.
darkness22723mo ago
Last step in the guide worked !!

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