Account recovery
Ive been locked out of my account and i think someone else had gotten access to it. Ive changed my password and everything and tried account recovery but it is not working.
38 Replies
I need help, i have been locked out of my account as someone had gotten access. I am now faced with a suspension on my account, may i know how to fix this issue?
Were you able to recover your account?
I did too try to check for your username with ur gmail we might have the same problem if you won't get a mail (they changed ur email too)
i now have access to my acc
but problem is
i cant open val at all
dont mind the left side
idk how to ss single screen
ive access to my acc
but i cant open val
For that you need to write a ticket to riot and tell them how you got hacked and now your account is locked
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
ive sent a request
let me show you hold on
It may take few hours up to a few days for them to respond
oh okay
thank you
i fr dont want my account deleted
spent too much money
Perm suspension is crazy, someone used hacks on thst acc
i didnt even see that
i pray they like check my comp and laptop
cuz ik for a fact they wont find any hacks
im bronze 2
hacks wont get me nowhere
does that mean i wont even be able to gain access??
fuck man
ive spend like 400 dollars on that account
Unless, riot reviews your ticket and finds no foul play on your part, they might unlock the account
okay good
i wasnt even online
so i aint afraid
Have you by any chance
Shared your acc
With a friend
i dont recall so
Like at all
i dont share my accs
Ok good
i dont trust anyone
unless they my bestfriend or smth
but yea i have yet to lend or give someone my account
Cause I remember someone with a similar ticket and riot responded saying they were aware of them sharing account
ah alr
nah i aint sharing
ty for your answers tho
i was so lost lmao
Now let’s wait riot to respond to your ticket
i pray i can get my acc back
should i make a new account in the mean time?
or is that a bad idea
i pray that if they lock my account, i can atleast make a new account and they transfer the skins there
That’s totally up to you, you can play on a new account in the meantime if you want
ah alr tyty
chances of this happening pretty low tho right?
I doubt they’ll transfer skins to another account
theres like
200+ worth of skins fr