Account locked for no ticket more won't let me submit
I been waiting for like 3-4 days they didn't answer for ticket. Please help me
33 Replies
You didn’t write any tickets chst
I already submitted ticket but there no in my ticket
Help me
look this
Okay i what do i now?
Open the ticket and read what they said
you online?
@Metamorphosis BRO READ
Read what? You used hacks/cheats which led you to get banned
I didnt use cheats??
From what I know, any 3rd party that is interfering with valorant could get you banned
Did you have trackernetwork?
Anyways they won’t tell you why exactly they banned
I used valorant tracker
but I didn't use cheats
Did you have it on pc (overwolf) ?
what overwolf?
Was it the one that shows ranks and kda and stuff mid game?
If you have it on phone then that shouldn’t be an issue
But vanguard detected something and hence the ban
@Metamorphosis please help me
I didn't use cheats
I'm new bro
submitted again ticket
Do you use the app or just on Google
Also like I said earlier, you can’t know for sure what tripped the ban, they won’t tell you exactly what caused the ban :ChillBar_pray:
are really stupid for van gaurd