23 Replies
Hi chat, you could do a fanart or a valorant related drawing and submit it to riot and tell them you’re 29 vp short, they can help you (I hope:ChillBar_pray: )
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
how much time do they take ??
Good question chat, it could take a few hours up to a few days for them respond
Just take a picture of the skin in ur shop with the time on the side
They will give u the skin regardless if its in ur shop at the time they reply
Just take a picture as a proof
Do they reduce the remaining vp ?
Thanx @jidat
i already submitted a ticket a few minutes earlier i will attach the pic in the response section
I thot they only give you the extra bit of vp that you need :ChillBar_pray:
if its too late they can give you the skin and take all your moni
YES, that’s what I wanted to know. Thanks chat!:Clove_Hearts:

they did gave me the VP but the time was already up , should I say them to buy it for me @Metamorphosis @jidat

I have already sent the attachments required
Yes ask em
They denied me and said to wait @Metamorphosis @jidat ?? what to do now wait ??

That sucks… in that case you can only wait for prime to come again in your shop
crying inside
Just make sure not to use it on another skin! You’ll get the prime vandal eventually
I’m waiting on prime too ong
maybe youll get a skin u like better