I attempted to record a video on how to

I attempted to record a video on how to use Vectorize but I failed at the following: - figuring out binding VECTORIZE The documentation needs work in these areas.
2 Replies
garvitg3mo ago
Hi @Andrew Brown. Appreciate you reaching out. Could you please describe your issue in greater detail? We can try and incorporate any specific feedback you have for the documentation.
Andrew Brown
Andrew BrownOP3mo ago
This page should describe the bindings options you need to set: https://developers.cloudflare.com/vectorize/best-practices/create-indexes/ https://developers.cloudflare.com/vectorize/get-started/intro/ This page has [[[vectorize]] this is confusing because other bindings examples only have one set of square braces, so I'm not certain if that is impacting the issue. There simply isn't an example I can follow end to end that works. It would benefit to have a full text example of a worker that takes in a POST request, vectorizes it, and then inserts it into vectorize and the queries it. I'd probably show in the docs listing vectorize items with the CLI. I think more CLI examples should be used since this is a CLI only service right now.
Cloudflare Docs
Create indexes · Vectorize
Indexes are the "atom" of Vectorize. Vectors are inserted into an index and enable you to query the index for similar vectors for a given input vector.
Cloudflare Docs
Introduction to Vectorize · Vectorize
Vectorize is Cloudflare's vector database. Vector databases allow you to use machine learning (ML) models to perform semantic search, recommendation, classification and anomaly detection tasks, as well as provide context to LLMs (Large Language Models).

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