Jimp and canvas on cloudflare workers
I need to generate a simple image using certain variables for my app's users to print... I was thinking of using Jimp and Canvas to create the image on the fly and return it as a response to the users. I want this to run on my Cloudflare worker since my main API is also there, and I've already gone through a lot of work to be able to make the API work on a worker, this was due to various node compatibility issues, but... I made it work!
I can't put my API on an actual server right now because the project's current state still doesn't make it worth the time or money to host a server. Besides that, I've gotten so comfortable with Workers that I can't imagine using ExpressJS or something similar.
So, is there a way I can use Jimp or canvas on Cloudflare workers? Because right now they seem to be giving me trouble
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didn't know
is there some sort of time limit beyond which i can ping?
No. Pinging people for any non-moderation reasons outside of an ongoing conversation is not allowed. If someone can help you, they'll respond when they're able - there's no guarantees with community support.