Login issues
Is there a bug or smth in game? Its not letting me launch becuz of "Login Issues"
273 Replies
Yeah it’s a global issues
Almost everyone can’t log in rn
You just need to wait till it gets fixed
Crazy ahh behavior fr

mULtiMiLiOn DoLlAr CoMpAnY
riot games my guy
I know what y’all talking about :ChillBar_pray:
Err is to human chat.
they suck unless you want to spend money, then they are your best friend
when open up
open up now im infront of your door dawg
Thats crazy chat
how do i know that is fixed?
open de door
you wanna come in?
yes open up
You can follow on the status of this at this link:
gel emre actim kapiyi
You are the Chev man, I can't write Turkish DC
😄 why
i dont know
maybe vpn
dont log in
if u log in
you'll lose ur rank
trust me it just happened to me
i cant log in
maybe i got hacked
oh im in now
Finally able to log in
Idk they just let me log in
how bro
Took me 6 attempts
My friend is logging in too
no i kicked out again
bruh same
im not try it anymore
i hope my last game was cancelled hahaha
Im still loading in lol
oh no
u lost rr on that
trust me
everyone did
that's what the devs said
its ok i lost the round anyways i dont deserve the RR
lmaoo oalr
im stuck in silver 2 so idc about rr
just kidding i've been trying to rank up this entire fucking act
Imagine they take away my rank
that might happen ngl
a lot of people who just logged in lost their rank
including me
Idc tbh its only ascendant
I can speedrun that
i suck fr
Bro im stuck on the log in screen lmao
I mean
Load in
bro trust me once u get out of diamond it gets easier
to diamond*
u sure?
well im prob gonna hit gold at the end of this act
u immortal?
asc 3

i peaked immo 2
Still stuck
bro trust me
i cant even win a gmae
in plat lobbies
how tf did u get out of silver or gold?
Diamond and above is easier
ea sports its in the game
Diamond+ < Gold
this gmae is amazing
its not
Idk, i never been bellow plat
i had to get a coach
then i left plat
how did u play csgo or smth?
rest was easy
u paid money for it?
Played counter strike for 15 years
im considering it
yeah makes sense
35 dollars
im telling u tho
Peak radiant episode 6 and 7
thought u'd be like Tarik after 15 years ya know
invest in a warmup routine
Stopped playing comp at all
i got one
from my coach
helped me out sm
Tarik is washed lmao
im close to plat
he is fr
i didnt even have to use no aim trainers and i made it to immo 2
I still love Tarik tho
how tf
u dont need them
i do
the range is way more than enough
Immo is ez until you hit 400rr
what is a tarik
you will always
benift more
i have Champions vandal wthe first one
from playing the game
That last push for radiant is hell
with intention of improving at smth specific
listen i have 2 issues, first im always on auto pilot and i dont plan anything while in the game, second I CAN'T FUCKING GET THAT:
move stop shoot, move stop shoot THING
than using an aimtrainer
i just cant fucking do it
thats why i told u
the range dude
my aim is alright minus but i just stand still while shooting
its way better than aimlabs
bro the range kinda sucks ngl
I dont train my aim, i play osu LMAO
it sucks
it has like no options
not everything has to be fun yk
if u look at marvel rivals for example its a shit show compared to it
does it work now?
i listen to podcasts while i do it
the game
it never will
the game is shutting down forever
the best way to train ur aim
is to play
how long are u in the range a day or when u wanted to improve how much did u spend on the range?
more games
30 mins
I've been playing for 2 months and im stuck in silver 2
and then
5 dms
that's it??? i thought something like 4 hours lmao
i can give u my routine
it helps sm

Im in
i just mad skins tho cuz i have a JOB
And 1 friend is too
Warmup: 30min
Practice for 1 min standing still and slowly moving your mouse while one tapping bots
Practice for 1 min while counter strafing and using mostly your movement to kill the bots
Eliminate 50 with sheriff while standing still
Eliminate 50 while burst firing and strafing with rifle
Eliminate 50 strafing bots while counter strafing and burst firing with rifle
Medium bots with 1 taps while standing still x3
Hard bots with sheriff while strafing x4
Hard bots with guardian while strafing x4
Hard bots while burst firing and strafing x3
Hard bots with back against wall while burst firing and strafing x5
DMs (5 a day): 15mins
One sheriff dm (feel free to do more)
One vandal/phantom dm (feel free to do more)
wich skins
def copying that
My rank is still here
Didnt lose it
dont get discouraged tho
cuz it wont be easy to do it when u seem to not hit ur shots every time
but if u stayed consistant
im telling u
preload to chaos, ion <- vandals
recon, araxys <- phantoms
Kuronami sheriff
youll get out of ur rank in no time
guys calm down
and some battlepass skins from the current battlepass
everythign will be ok
bettt ill improve in no time fr
dude ur fine
for 7 months
i was iron 2
i feel lucky now fr
like i started from the bottom bottom
i keep playing with my gold 2 friends and they keep shitting and screaming on me every game
Yall can log in rn
i feel like they pressure me to improve which is good but not exactly in the right way..
every game i feel nervous af

Logged in and didnt lose rank
Everything is fine
w fucking skins
ik it feels like its good for ut improvment
but tilting and playing with ppl who tilt
Check the buddy on the vandal
will fuck up ur preformance
fr the pressure is good since i see results but now i've been stuck
its like when i played chess, i got stuck at 1300 elo for like 2 years
still stuck at that elo (in bullet btw)
u gotta keep it pushing
radiant fr
but change ur way of playing the game
im listening
when u q a dm for example
have in mind that
im playing this
Noir wich rank are you
to improve at strafing
he peaked radiant that's what i know
oh ok
im playing this to improve with my first shot percentage
one at a time
what si your rank guys
i saw this thing where u over aim and then fix ur crosshair on the head with ur movement
like over swing the crosshair
then move to fix it
lets 5stack
i dont like
that shit
if ur doing it on purpose
i could only do it in easy in the range but i feel like move shoot move shoot is better
like over flicking
i dont think it helps
i saw ppl do it in swiftplay with a ghost and i could not fucking hit them for god's sake
u need to
yeah it fucked up my aim with the vandal for a day or two
aim while moving
then shoot
u see
yeah but i have this instinct where when i see someone i stop moving so i can shoot without missing
then i get fucking 1 tapped
well when u get peeked
u dont exactly hasve to move
u move
in most games i always tell myself after dying "why did i die, why me and not my teammates???" and that happens like 5 times every game
to reset ur recoil
and to make it harder to hit
while reseting ur recoil
for more accurate shots
sometimes i get fucking wide peaked then killed and there's nothing i can do about it
yeah my recoil is fine
here ill drop a clip of me acing tell me what u get from that
Medal - 🔴 Record & share unforgettable gaming moments. HD w/ no lag.
Swiftplay Ace - Clipped with Medal.tv
Watch Swiftplay Ace and millions of other Valorant videos captured using Medal.
play more dms
fr i gotta do that
with the intention of
death matches make me nervous af
Hi hi
not too shaby but
no movemnt
We my uee we my euro my to me from
what so ever
I E to w it
that's what i was talking about when i shoot those 4 noobs i was standing still see?
see here
i dont move much
but its okay since in holding
i only moved
to reset recoil
dawm this ur clip?
what si you rrank
i never react to gekko's flash im way too slow of a swinger for that
I oHi iw up out
that updraft to dodge thrash is fucking genius
see i cant make those split second decisions which can save me
this too
now u just flexing man
i only moved to
let me watch this shit 1 sec
reset recoil
dm me screaming tho
it comes with time
when i started i couldnt even think
abt that
being a possibilty
u have a habit of crouching when shooting i heard that's not good
but what do i know im silver 2
i mean i was told by watching yt to stop doing that
they said when u crouch ppl can headshot u much easily if ur not crouching
its not bad
auto crouch is bad
but crouching is rly okay
yeah that's me
i guess u mean it depends?
not ture
why they say its bad
cuz when u dont know
what ur peeking into
i was on my rankup game to s3 and i lost 2 games in a row with my gold friends..
u cant disascociate with ur situation
so ur fully
to the fights
so if theres more than one
or u miss ur shots completely
ur fucked
this is the shit im talking about

i only upranked out of plat

when i carried the game
i bottom fragged both games
i had
reyna was afk btw
41 kills
20 deaths
smth like that
that happens alot
i had one game where i literally played against irons and i got 46 kills
1 sec

im in a round
wish me luck

@bullet. btw do u do swiftplays sometimes or is that just a waste of time and i should swap it with death matches?
i only play swifts
for fun
like with my friends that dont play ranked
not for warmups or to learn anything?
cuz what works in swift
wont work
in comp
no one really takes them seriously
been waiting for skins

i have champions vandal but idont know how to make screenshot
ig yea
ur not lvl 1
so u cant send images
been using this
plus its just SHIFT+WINDOWS+S

since diamond
not the buddy tho
the most bots i killed in fast mode with armor with a vandal is 17
can't get more than that
i did get 30 in medium i average 26
wtf is fast mode
like when u press F3
theres easy medium fast
u mean
hard ?
oh yea
mb im dumb lmaoooo
thought it was called fast
its okay
im laughing lol
i do hard bots
to train for unexpected
like raw flicks no micros
wait i can do
a tutorial
for movment
if u want
it will really help me thank u
go in a call and talk there
i cant read and play
alr give me one sec
just unfollow this post then
i will not
but like when i put Eliminate 50 the bots are so far away my hand literally hurts after over swinging so much
ur choice
very often 1 bot is at the corner of the other side and then after i kill it which takes me like 3 seconds for each bot (that's strafing) i have to swing all the way across im just saying is this how its supposed to be? if yes im not complaining
im putting the thing up wait
u dont rly
practice strafingh
using eleminate
or 100
"Eliminate 50 strafing bots while counter strafing and burst firing with rifle"?
thats for aiming still
cuz u aim while moving
its not for the sake of practicing
the strafes
wait i'm supposed to take less than a second for each bot right?
focus on accuracy
more than speed
the vid
is uploading btw
so just give it a sec
Rate my setup chat

w fucking setup
W 10/10
u def got that neck pain tho
back pain go crazy

for sure ur back would be as bent as a pipe
mr dot i love it
thank u i will go into the range rn and try that
it will take time tho
also to note after u mastered it
practice it in dms
and thats it
imma go queue up some comps tho
was nice talking to u
same thanks for the help bullet
its nww <3
E king he
Ieyy u e
S my ye
when I logg into Valorant the game wont open, I get stuck in the loading screen. Does anyone else having the same issue?
W J g