After changing "Production branch", every build fails on "Cloning git repository"
Deployment of static txt file, after changing "Production branch" fails every build on "Cloning git repository":
19:51:18.997 Cloning repository...
19:51:19.777 remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. If a password was provided for Git authentication, the password was incorrect or you're required to use a token instead of a password. If a token was provided, it was either incorrect, expired, or improperly scoped. See
19:51:19.777 fatal: Authentication failed for ''
19:51:20.687 Failed: error occurred while fetching repository
How this can be fixed? I have checked Cloudlfare documentation and Gitlab settings and haven't found anything interesting.10 Replies
You should probably read the troubleshooting link
It's there in the log (if you didn't notice)
Bro, I have exactly the same issue. I followed trouble shoting and now nothing is working
Looks like GitLab is having issues at the minute -
GitLab System Status
This status page is exclusively intended for monitoring and its associated services. If there are any performance or service interruptions, an update will be posted here. If you are encountering service interruptions on GitLab Dedicated, please submit a support request.
The team is aware and monitorign
@Walshy | Workers/Pages Seems like I was able to connect account back to my gitlab, but now my pushes to the repo on gitlab not triggering Cloudflare builds.
We'll need to wait for GitLab to resolve their issue
Oh wow, thank you very much for the update @Walshy | Workers/Pages! I'll wait and try later.
@Walshy | Workers/Pages
Is there a way to regenerate GitLab webhook for a repo for one of my cloudflare pages? Seems like I am missing that, and that is why the builds are not triggered.
(example in screenshot)
Looks like the issue is resolved now. Just managed to make a deployment.