522 Running a Coder instance on GCP

Hey there! Im running a Coder instance on GCP, i have made rules for enabling cloudflare, and disabled proxy and such, i always get a 522, when i directly access it via the ip it works, im using Nginx proxy manager
3 Replies
Chaika3mo ago
522 is Cloudflare cannot connect to your origin: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/community-tip-fixing-error-522-connection-timed-out/42325 I would check the following: Check your SSL Mode, in your website in the Cloudflare dashboard under SSL/TLS -> Overview. It should not be Flexible. It should be Full Strict or Strict (SSL-Only). Flexible means connecting over 80/insecure which can be blocked or mitm'd, or cause other issues. Which PoP do you connect to? If you go to https://yourdomain.com/cdn-cgi/trace, what's the colo line? SJC-PIG? Could be related to one of CF's rollouts if so, would be helpful for us to track those issues but wouldn't help you fix the issue.
DuckyOP3mo ago
Chaika3mo ago
Cool, not related to that rollout then I don't think. SSL/TLS Mode?

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