Hyperdrive database host string too short?

Hey there, I noticed Cloudflare changed Hyperdrive's database host string validation to 63 characters max. Previously I had Hyperdrive instance built with a longer query string and it worked fine, but now if I intend to use AWS RDS, its host string is a little bit longer than this limit. I would not want to make a CNAME record, therefore exposing DB host in domain's DNS. Any ideas how to tackle this? I wonder if it is only front-end validation, maybe Cloudflare Terraform setup would not get validated like that?
6 Replies
DaniFoldi3mo ago
this is maybe a question for @thomasgauvin :MeowHeartCloudflare:
thomasgauvin3mo ago
Thanks, let me look into this. This is specifically for the 'host' correct, none of the other attributes? Where do you get the error message?
LukasOP3mo ago
Yes sir. Typically AWS RDS host string is quite long, so this is the one that causes the problem. Did not see an issue with any other attributes. I get front end validation error while trying to create a new Hyperdrive instance via Cloudflare UI.
thomasgauvin3mo ago
Do you get the same error when trying to create the hyperdrive configuration with the Wrangler CLI?
Emilio3mo ago
Hi @Lukas thanks for bringing this up. This was an issue with field validation in the UI and we've implemented a fix, which should be released by tomorrow. In the meantime you can create your Hyperdrive config via the Wrangler CLI, through our API or with Terraform.
LukasOP3mo ago
That's amazing. Thank you!

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