

Hi, I have a quick question. I feel like my aim is pretty decent in deathmatches and aim trainers, but when I play competitive, I struggle to stay calm. Instead of aiming for headshots, I end up spraying right away or shooting immediately as soon as I see an enemy, without taking the time to adjust my aim. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do to overcome it? P.S. I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I wasn’t sure where else it would fit.
10 Replies
THREAT3mo ago
I believe the only way to fix this one is by experiencing more and more duels outside of DMs and TDMs
TakaoOP3mo ago
So just a repetition of playing competetive or unrated?
THREAT3mo ago
Try playing more Swiftplays, just anything to be able to use your DM and aim training experience. Using competitive matches to improve in gunfights is not the best idea, that's like throwing ur elo for the sake of improving. what role do you use often @Takao ?
TakaoOP3mo ago
I usually pick what is missing but mostly sentinel or initiator and a little bit of everything else
THREAT3mo ago
try using duelists outside comp . They will help you to not panick when in a duel.
TakaoOP3mo ago
Also thank you for the answer i will be honest i did not play much of swiftplay but did play quite a bit of unranked or ranked games could be just me being hasty with my improvement but i am trying to see if i can do something more to improve
jpplol3mo ago
hi this is the right place, try playing swiftplays (with or without comms) and put yourself in a clutch situation good advice thx
TakaoOP3mo ago
Thank you i will try what was suggested
THREAT3mo ago
I used to be iron, had similar issues like you, these tips were given to me by other players and they worked like magic have fun gaming buddy
TakaoOP3mo ago
I am gold 2 right now but i am certain i am holding the teams back with my aim (i do not perform bad in anyway) just could do a lot better thank you for helping will see if it helps 😄💪

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