Hi Swarnika,

Hi Swarnika, Thanks for the suggestion, we don't have orgs since we are on the free plan still.
11 Replies
shikharTS3mo ago
Which service secret are you using? Is it from the develop tab?
RemmeltOP3mo ago
yes, but the earlier suggestion put me on the right track. I had the ord id in the request. Once I removed it the request worked. Thanks! Hi @shikharTS and @Swarnika , Thanks for the help, I had a follow up question. the token is now returned properly. However I am having some difficulty with the local testing. After the token is returned the embedded component makes a request to 'session/isactive' which fails with a cors error. I already added the localhost with different ports to the cors whitelist but am still getting the same error. Do you have any suggestions on how to approach this? I don't see the isactive endpoint mentioned in the documentation anywhere.
shikharTS3mo ago
If isactive endpoint is failing all the rest of the TS apis will fail. Can you send the CORS error and the urls you have added to TS CORS whitelist?
RemmeltOP3mo ago
this is the whitelist we have, I did add the http:// protocol for the domains as the instructions mentioned but they got removed after saving.
No description
shikharTS3mo ago
yes we do not save the protocol. What is the CORS error?
RemmeltOP3mo ago
this is the error Access to fetch at 'https://team1.thoughtspot.cloud/callosum/v1/session/isactive' (redirected from 'http://team1.thoughtspot.cloud/callosum/v1/session/isactive') from origin 'http://localhost:8888' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. this is the request fetch("http://team1.thoughtspot.cloud/callosum/v1/session/isactive", { "headers": { "authorization": "Bearer {"token":"<REDACTED>"}", "x-requested-by": "ThoughtSpot", "Referer": "http://localhost:8888/", "Referrer-Policy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" }, "body": null, "method": "GET" });
shikharTS3mo ago
I see this is a teams cluster. It might be possible that localhost needs to be whitelisted at all orgs level Let me try to do that internally
RemmeltOP3mo ago
Thanks! Although I am not sure I fllow since we are on the free plan so we don't really have orgs at the moment
shikharTS3mo ago
I asked internally, can you raise a support ticket to get this added to cors setting. The relevant team should be able to help you with this
RemmeltOP3mo ago
Thanks you I filled a ticket and will keep you updated
shikharTS3mo ago
I think if you have listed localhost in security settings, it should work for your own org. Can you DM me the HAR file when you are getting this error?

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