need help installing discord canary
Im trying desperately to add the .desktop file to my usr/applications but i dont know how to on bazzite or any uniblue distro help would be much appreciated
7 Replies
you can't write to /usr/applications but you can write to /var/home/your-user-name/.local/share/applications that will also show up in the applications menu
Thank you!
its sadly giving me a error about it not being in /usr/share/applications
Which application are you trying to install?
discord canary
im trying to modfiy the .desktop file now
Can't you just use the flatpak version?
GitHub - flathub/com.discordapp.DiscordCanary
Contribute to flathub/com.discordapp.DiscordCanary development by creating an account on GitHub.
oh, i was unware of the flatpak version, that saves a lot of headache thank you again!
I wasn't either, just suspected that there might be one