CloudFlare Help
Hello, I can't access some sites. I think I've been blacklisted because of CloudFlare verification.
17 Replies
Could you be interested?
If you are blocked by a website that uses Cloudflare, you need to contact the website owner to appeal or investigate the block. Cloudflare is configured by the site owner, and Cloudflare will not overwrite the configuration of any customer. Nobody in this Discord nor any Cloudflare employee will be able to help you. The site owner can investigate why you were blocked through your ray id.
if you read correctly it says "SOME SITES" as in MANY (MORE THAN ONE) does it mean you HAVE to contact EVERY SITE THAT USES CLOUDLFARE?
if you read the bot response correctly, you would know
the problem is the cloudflare captcha not EVERY SITE IN EXISTENCE THAT USES IT
cloudflare turnstile isn't the only metric that can cause a waf block
i don't even know what you are trying to say here
imagine u've been flagged for some reason
then the "are you human?" captcha rejects you
in every site
no matter what
not possible
that's not how turnstile works
how do i show u?
its happening right now
if you are talking about a different captcha provider then maybe
i can't login cloudflare
nor my bank
everything uses cloudflare
sounds like a browser issue, you are free to make your own post in #general-help so someone may help you
then you can wait for a response
k good luck to op xd, you will need it
Hi all, I am trying to upload my modern js app dist seems not be seiing the below error in browser
This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in
Any suggestion will help.