How to make this page?
Anybody can tell me how to approach this layout ?
9 Replies
grid, probably
it's not dissimilar to #div question, may want to take a look (though don't hijack the question please)
i have but still confused .. do I need 3 template columns ?
hmm, I'd probably make three and have a wrapper for "image and green inset with profile pics" and a second wrapper for "light green statistics"
three columns, three rows for the main outer wrapper
i think i see it ... thank you for the heads up
do I need to use
for rows or fr
it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish, and how the layout works when you're making it. Give either a shot and see what works best
sorry , atm, grid feels like trial and error or more like black magic to me
I will give them both a try
give this one a try then
Grid Garden
A game for learning CSS grid layout
hopefully , it becomes clearer to me the more i play with it