Incrase serverless worker count after 30.
Dear Runpods team.
We are in the process of transitioning our inference operations for (AI Image Generation service) from AWS to Runpod. To support our growing needs, we will require an increase in our serverless pod capacity after the current limit of 30.
Please let us know the steps needed to facilitate this increase and any additional information or configurations required on our end.
Looking forward to your response.
11 Replies
Sure, try to open the ticket here
a support team will help you with that
Escalated To Zendesk
The thread has been escalated to Zendesk!
Thank you! But I see there is an Error while esclating this to Zendesk, I've tried the flow on your website but no response from there.
Hi, maybe the support hasn't responded yet.. Please be patient
Thank you!
Your welcome
were you able to get in touch?
you can dm me your account email, i can adjust it for you.
@yhlong00000 what are the requirements of increasing workers to 50 and beyond?
Request to ticket only, with your email
Ok Thanks