Extremely slow upload to HuggingFace
For the past 10 hours or so I've had issues uploading to HuggingFace on my pod (jhw1d9hmjb8d3v).
shows acceptable speeds, but specifically uploading to HuggingFace goes below 1MB/s often.6 Replies
try enabling hf transfer, then rerunning it
Use hf_transfer: this is a Rust-based library meant to speed up uploads on machines with very high bandwidth. To use it, you must install it (pip install hf_transfer) and enable it by setting
as an environment variable.
You can then use huggingface_hub normally.
Disclaimer: this is a power user tool. It is tested and production-ready but lacks user-friendly features like progress bars or advanced error handling. For more details, please refer to this https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/v0.27.0.rc1/package_reference/environment_variables#hfhubenablehftransfer
hf_transfer was installed and enabled. I uploaded everything to a S3 bucket and uploaded to HF from another pod. It's quite annoying though, because this can become very costly very quickly.
I see yeah, are you uploading from a network storage?
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No, it was a "local" persistent volume. Uploading to S3 was fast in the end, but to HF was very problematic.