23 Replies
Hi chat
Press windows key + r
Type in msinfo32
And show ss
@. is the one needing help with this im js helping him bc he didnt know how to make the post
No worries chat
You need to update up bios
Dont download the beta version chat
i already did but what do i do now
i extracted it
what do i do with these
Chat you need to flash your bios, these don’t work like regular apps
Hold on
@Metamorphosis can u check dms plz
wym flash bios
First, copy these files on to a usb
he doesnt have a usb
I don’t think there’s any other way to do this chat
why did it start doing that
Look here, bios version/date it’s 2020
u can only update it with an usb?
To best of my knowledge you need a usb stick for this process chat
@jpplol hi chat, is there any other way to flash bios without usb
There is, but its unconventional and risky so don't do it
So just get a usb
In this video I'll be covering how to update the BIOS on your motherboard IF NEEDED, without a USB STICK, if you're on a gigabyte motherboard this does not work most likely, do not do this if you are optimized with my services.
u can follow what jidat said too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shi is risky af
If you are gonna try to update the bios without a usb then just don't blame anyone here if u end up bricking ur bios