Big Picture starts on wrong monitor
I've got 2 monitors on my PC, Steam Big Picture opens on the wrong monitor (my portrait one) is there any way to force it to open on the primary (landscape) display?
12 Replies
is this talking about desktop BPM or gamemode
for gamemode its already covered in the documentation, just search for
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
for desktop you have to just move it manually or set up rules (if you are on kde) to make it only open on the correct montor
Desktop, how do you set up rules with KDE?
settings --> Search --> Window rules
Cool! Thanks you!
did you solve it? if yes, how did you set up the rule?
I've not tried yet, it's been behaving since a reboot...
Still not working consistently
the whole window rule page in systemsettings for kde is pretty self explainatory
just add new and go ham

if you dont know what the window class is, you have a button you can click to grab all the info from the window
Yeah, it's working for me now with these settings:

Thank you 🙂